
eroica, coffee and beta eta

of all nights to decide to post on here, I choose tonight. go figure.
not that tonight's anything special, good or bad. I just have a busy ass day ahead. got in a fight with michael. and the bad thing is, he was completely right. he just about always fucking is. and I hate being wrong, I've discovered. this comes as a huge detriment to me because people really hate that shit. I also have terrible time management issues--michael's case in point this evening. that is also why I am still up. I must finish this damned assignment. still have no clue what the hell to do about all the things I missed in Woodwind Tech...........

So here I am, sitting in my living room, surrounded by our ten PMs. I do really like these guys, they're a good group of kids; just need to work on getting closer. coffee is keeping me alive right now. as it will do so tomorrow as well. I just can't afford to build an immunity.
I really do hate not having anything to say.

....yet actually having so much. I also hate focusing on things that don't matter. just have to get shit done. enough said. now to diagram an exposition and talk about subjectivity. oh. and whatever the fuck question 5 was. possible practice in the near future as well.

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