
New Beginnings

I will start posting regularly, damn it.
I have too much to say, to think about, to consider, to figure out, that will only come out properly if I'm talking to myself. Fuck if anyone reads it. I need to keep on the right track of things.

Goals for the summer:
Double G's all game long, every game.
Make money.
Arrange at least 2 tunes (4-5 if for small group)
Compose a tune (or 3 if it's combo)
Transcribe at least 5 solos.

Essentially, close the gap that's gaping between me right now and the badass I want to be relatively soon. I want to be the best human being I can be. Everyone should realize some of the things I've realized over the past few months. Hopefully without going through anywhere near as much stress and heartache, though. This world needs a revolution. And I want to bring it. A musical revolution of unprecendented proportions. A revolution, not based in violence, but in a love of music and universal truth.

I don't know. This philosophy Heath and I are developing is pretty young. And he's starting to bitch out on me, so I may have to continue down this road alone, again. At least until I find another person or two who are willing to share this journey with me. Cause I'll be fucking damned if I don't meet all my goals.

Ultimate Goal:

Create, redefine, figure out the next era of musical history.

I want people like Dr. Miyakawa and Moore-Lucas to be studying ME after I die. Shit, before I die. I want to be the FUCKING SHIT!

Now I just have to get all my homework turned in. and make some money, so I'm not starving or without a home.....damn it. Lofty goals are lofty for a damn reason. I have to dream. Let's do this.

I'm willing to barter.
And I'm going to change the world.

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